All Ages

Day of Remembrance 2022

Every February, the Japanese American community commemorates Executive Order 9066 as a reminder of the impact the incarceration experience has had on their families, community, and this country. In observance of the 80th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 that was signed on February 19, 1942 this event will feature Seattle-based Yonsei cartoonist and illustrator, Kiku Hughes, whose historical graphic novel Displacement tells the story of a teenager who is pulled back in time to witness her grandmother’s experiences in the Japanese American internment camps.

From the Supply Side to the Bedside: Advancing Integrated Strategies to Promote Racial Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination

In partnership with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Yale Nursing examines drivers and potential solutions to vaccine inequities in Black, Hispanic, and Immigrant communities. Invited guests and panelists include Congressional representatives, Yale faculty, and national stakeholders.

Lunarfest 2022: Healing for the Whole Family, a Graphic Novel about AAPI Mental Health

Join us as we read and discuss a new graphic novel created by artist Nealie Ngo based on Grace Chiang’s story about family healing. Healthcare providers Eunice Yuen, Alice Shen, Jamille Rancourt, and Nichole Roxas will lead a discussion about intergenerational trauma and mental health in an AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) family. This panel is hosted by Yale Compassionate Home, Action Together (CHATogether) and Yale-China.

Lunarfest 2022: Stories from Home by ACSSY + ISPY

For Lunar New Year, the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Yale (ACSSY), the OISS International Spouses and Partners at Yale (ISPY), and Yale-China are compiling stories of heritage, culture, art, and celebration. Their stories explore themes of joy + comfort, arts + culture, and family + homecoming. These stories embrace the distance and longing that many international families feel during this homecoming time of the year and the steps they take to create new traditions in their New Haven community.

East Asia Library Talk Series: Reading Edo: Data-driven Approaches for Japan Studies

The talk will introduce data-driven humanities projects at the Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH) on historical materials during the Edo period such as Edo maps, Miwo (A mobile app for AI kuzushiji recognition), Kaokore, Bukan Complete Collection, and edomi, with discussion on how these tools and new methodologies will transform the style of Japan Studies.

Martin Luther King Jr.: The Intersection of Civil Rights and Environmental Justice

In celebration of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Yale School of the Environment’s Justice Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will host a panel on the life and legacy of Dr. King. It will examine how King’s Civil Rights activism intersected with early Environmental Justice actions and campaigns. Featuring keynote speaker, Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor.

This is a virtual event.

Graduate Student Disability Alliance Meeting

Welcome to the Graduate Student Disability Alliance (GSDA), an affinity group for graduate and professional students who are situated within the broad Disability umbrella. This group includes, but is not limited to, Disabled students, neurodivergent students, Deaf/ hard-of-hearing students, blind students, students with chronic illnesses, students with mental health conditions, and other students who receive or would like to receive accommodations.

Latin American Policy Leader Series: Visit of Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America & Caribbean: “Diversity, Equality, and Gender”

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series.
From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.

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