Virtual: FLY Steering Committee Meeting
FLY Steering Committee Meeting
2nd Thursday of every month- 12pm-1pm
FLY Steering Committee Meeting
2nd Thursday of every month- 12pm-1pm
FLY Steering Committee Meeting
2nd Thursday of every month- 12pm-1pm
Please join the Yale SOM Dean’s Office for the 2021 Executive MBA Leaders Forum in Asset Management Lecture with John W. Rogers, Jr. John is Founder, Chairman, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Ariel Investments. Headquartered in Chicago, the firm offers five no-load mutual funds for individual investors and defined contribution plans as well as separately managed accounts for institutions and high net worth individuals
The topic for this session is Accessible Layouts. Can your users quickly understand the meaning of your page and complete your task easily? Join us for an in-depth exploration of accessible layouts. Topics include page hierarchy, headings, reading order, navigation, skip links, back to top links, and landmarks. Examples of design annotations will be presented in several complex and simple layouts. Zoom link available through Yale’s Training Management System (TMS).
Disability is often framed as the unfortunate exception or problem to fix on the periphery, but what would happen if we brought disability to the center of the conversation? Rebekah Taussig grew up believing that her disabled body made her an outsider and disqualified her from some of the most fundamental parts of being human. In this talk, she resists that narrative, exploring how our perspectives might expand if we brought disability to the center. How might our understanding of beauty, love and romance, movement, work, and storytelling evolve and transform?
Join the Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale Latino Networking Group, Yale African American Affinity Group, Future Leaders of Yale, and Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health for a community participatory conversation series to create community engagement. Education and action will allow us, individually and collectively, to care for and support the most vulnerable members of our communities. The participants and facilitators will establish a dialogue about actions we can take to address challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join the Yale African American Affinity Group, Yale Latino Networking Group, LGBTQ Affinity Group, and Working Women’s Network for a virtual screening of Jamaica y Tamarindo: Afro Tradition in the Heart of Mexico. Following the documentary, Ebony Bailey, the film’s cinematographer and director will join us for a live discussion.
Think you might be interested in seeing a therapist? Not sure how to find one or to figure out who is the best fit for you? Join this interactive workshop where we will learn about how to find a therapist and discuss tips on where to look and how to ask the questions that will help you get closer to finding The One. This workshop will be co-facilitated by Selima Jumarali, a queer woman of color therapist and clinical-community psychology doctoral student committed to supporting queer and trans folks and folks of color in their healing journeys.
Join the Working Women’s Network, Yale African American Affinity Group, and Yale Athletics Department for the 2020 Women In Series kickoff event. The focus of the Women In Series is to bring together a diverse mix of Yale’s women leaders who are successful in traditionally male-dominated fields, such as athletics, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Our intent is to inspire and encourage women to reflect on their own goals and status as they strive to advance in their careers and lives, especially in non-traditional fields and roles.
The bird collection in the Yale Peabody Museum is among the most comprehensive in the world, with over 150,000 data-rich specimens, representing over 7,000 species, from every continent on Earth. This behind-the-scenes tour is your chance to see specimens rarely seen by the public and the state-of-the art facilities in which they are stored. Your guide will be Dr. Kristof Zyskowski, the Ornithology Collections Manager.