
VIRTUAL: Renew Office Yoga Series

Take a break for Renew Office Yoga to boost happiness, create calm, sharpen focus, and increase energy! Each 30-minute Zoom session includes breath awareness techniques, gentle stretches, seated and standing yoga postures, and brief meditation. Learn simple yet effective practices to renew vitality and restore balance. Sessions are led by Danielle Casioppo, Education Specialist and Certified Yoga Instructor with Being Well at Yale.

Money and Mental Health

Mental health and money problems are often intricately linked. Money can impact our behavior and our mental health can impact how we handle our money. Making it a symbiotic, cyclical relationship. Furthermore, research has shown that finances are one of the primary causes of stress worldwide, with money problems being associated with an increase in mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety. This session will explore the link between mental and financial wellbeing, including the intersection of money worries on anxiety, stress and relationships.
Learning Points:

: Leave Your Stress at The Door to Make your Home Your Child's Safe Place

What can parents do that will really help to protect kids’ mental health? Make home a safe place. A really safe place. You might be thinking, “What? Of course, our home is a safe place.” Think again. Every day brings something new to worry about and the blurry lines between work and home can make it hard to leave your stress at the door. The good news is that the skills you need to manage the anxiety of work, home, and the world are the same.

VIRTUAL: Love146 Information Session

According to the International Labour Organization, over 3 million children were trafficked in 2022. Please join us for an information session with Love146, where you will learn about the programs they offer, how to help or get involved, and resources for keeping kids safe online. For over 20 years, Love146 has been developing survivor care, reintegration, and prevention programming all over the world.

Stress Management Workshop

Sadly, we have all become too familiar with stress, particularly since the pandemic. When we hear about stress, we tend to think about the mental and emotional distress we feel in a particular circumstance. But did you know that the dietary and lifestyle choices you make in your everyday life can negatively affect your physiology and trigger a stress response, just as harmful as a stressful event?

Join Teresa Sandoval-Schaefer, DS, RWP, FNTP, to learn practical tips you can implement immediately to reduce and manage your stress, and live a more full, productive life.

Ameen Mokdad's the Curve Tour

Benjamin Franklin College is hosting a College Tea on May 3 from 4-6pm at Lighten Theater. The event will feature Iraqi composer and instrumentalist Ameen Mokdad, Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet, and the Hartford-based Cuatro Puntos Ensemble. Together they will be performing “The Curve Tour”.
Ameen was trapped in hiding by ISIS for nearly two years in his hometown of Mosul. During that time, he wrote an extraordinary repertoire of powerfully emotional music that traverses the range of emotions: fear, defeat, hope and rebirth.

Opposing Racism through the Lens of Franco-American Experiences

“Opposing Racism through the Lens of Franco-American Experiences” showcases stories of New England’s Franco-Americans who were targeted by white supremacy groups in the 1920s. New England’s Franco-Americans were not assimilating into the American way of life as other immigrants were doing (e.g., they strove to preserve their French language). This event is one of a series of in-person workshops throughout the Midwest, using selections from Ben Levine’s “Waking Up French” documentary to share the little-known and startling history of Franco-American oppression.

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