Graduate And Professional

BRAZIL 100/200: Reflections on the Legacies of the Week of Modern At & the Bicentennial of Independence

Brazil at 100 / 200 will explore how memory and culture shape the meaning of independence today. By integrating a reflection on the twin centenaries of independence and the São Paulo Modern Art Week, this conference will reflect on the meaning of independence in the light of ideas about Brazilian identity that inspired the modernists one hundred years ago and continue to provoke us today.
This will be a hybrid conference via Zoom as well as with in-person components at Yale University and at the Braudel Institute in São Paulo.

Global Environmental Justice Conference 2022

The Yale Center for Environmental Justice and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are partnering this year to present the Fourth Annual Global Environmental Justice Conference at the Yale School of the Environment. This year’s conference will focus on the intersection of equitable climate action and sustainable development.
Contact: Yale Center for Environmental Justice,

Windham-Campbell Festival: Turner Turned Inside Out

Winsome Pinnock’s most recent play, Rockets and Blue Lights, takes the audience on a deep dive into J. M. W. Turner’s painting “The Slave Ship,” asking questions about received and shared history. She is joined by past prize recipient Branden-Jacobs Jenkins in a discussion about how theater can help us look more fully into history.
A complementary display of works by J. M. W. Turner, including sketchbook drawings and color studies, finished watercolors, and prints, will be on view in the Yale Center for British Study Room that day.

Windham-Campbell Festival: Screening: In My Father's Village

In addition to her novels, Tsitsi Dangarembga has also written, directed, and produced a number of films. In My Father’s Village is a powerful short film about the inheritance of trauma that she produced in 2017. Tsitsi will introduce the film, discuss its creation with Professor of History and African Studies Dan Magaziner, and answer questions from the audience.

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