Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Women’s Rights
“Fighting Workplace Discrimination: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead”
“Fighting Workplace Discrimination: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead”
April 5-28 marks the 45th anniversary of the San Francisco 1977 Disability
Rights Protest, a sit-in that demanded the enactment of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This was a landmark piece of legislation for
people with disabilities in the United States and set the groundwork for the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. As we reflect on this incredible
historical action, we look to our present Yale environment to ask important
questions about how the campus supports and falls short for the disability
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.
Come by the AACC for weekly Game Nights! Learn new games (including Asian games/boardgames), meet new people, and take a little break from homework. Win a game or two for a chance to get some AACC swag.