Graduate And Professional

"Always Be My Maybe" at the AACC

Want to celebrate your love this Valentine’s Day? Or, want to distract yourself from Valentine’s Day with some abhorrent, mindless sap that’s so cheesy, you feel good about being single? Well, the AACC has just the event for you! Come to the AACC this Saturday, at 9:30 pm, to watch “Always Be My Maybe,” a rom-com with a rich Asian-American cast led by the likes of Randall Park and Ali Wong. Whether you’re single, taken, something in between, or a pre-med, this is just the movie for you!

Black Farmer Fund: Supporting Black Food Entrepreneurs

Join Black Farmer Fund Co-Founder and President Olivia Watkins as she shares about this emerging community investment fund striving to create a more equitable food system for black farmers and food business owners.
Olivia will join CBEY Resident Fellow Tagan Engel to discuss the Fund’s first year of community-designed investments, supports for regenerative practices, and the innovative ways they are working to address historical and current inequities for Black entrepreneurs in the food system.

VIRTUAL: Cafe IT - "Promoting a Climate of Psychological Safety"

As described by Dr. Amy Edmondson, psychological safety is a belief that employees will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.

Promoting psychological safety within Yale’s work environment helps team members identify issues early, learn from their mistakes, and support fellow team members, increasing the team’s overall performance while also improving employee attitudes towards the organization.

VIRTUAL: Cafe IT - "Figuring People Out: Personalities at Work"

Is your colleague cold or simply shy? There’s a big difference. Is your client deliberately giving you a hard time, or are they anxious in general and asking many questions? Knowing the cause can help you work better with that client.

People are complex, and we all have a mix of personality traits, some of which are more obvious than others. Relying on a practical application of personality theory, we’ll discuss the major traits describing many of the observable differences in the people we work with.

Yale DiversAbility Alumni Group: In Conversation with Dr. Karin Muraszko ’77

Join us for this exciting livestream conversation with Dr. Karin Muraszko ’77, a trailblazer for women and persons with disabilities and one of the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeons of our time. As chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan, and a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery with joint appointments in Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics, Dr. Muraszko is the first woman to head a neurosurgery department at any medical school in the United States.

Latin American Policy Leader Series - Visit of President of Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Ricardo Pérez Manrique

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series. From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.

Latin American Policy Leader Series - Visit of Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America & Caribbean

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series. From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.
Talk by Maria-Noel Vaeza, Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America and the Caribbean, entitled “Diversity, Equality, and Gender”

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