Graduate And Professional

Latte with a Librarian

Do you need to find a book or a scholarly article, or do you need help formulating a research question for a literature review? Librarians will be available for drop-in research consultations in Thain Cafe (outside of Bass Library) while you wait for your coffee.
Any student who asks a library or research-related question will receive a FREE Yale Library mug.

VIRTUAL: "Gender-Neutral" Public Policies and Their Gendered Consequences in China

The progress of gender equality in China has attracted a lot of attention in the recent decade. As China has gotten richer, many people expected that the gender inequality situation would improve. However, if we compare China with other countries in the world using the Global Gender Gap Index, China ranked in just the 45th percentile in gender equality in 2006, and has continued to regress over the past decade. Eliminating gender inequality benefits China in multiple important ways. Most family and aging policies in China are gender-blind and are often framed as gender-neutral.

A World Refugee Day Event: Poetry Slam & Storytelling

In honor of World Refugee Day, IRIS & Sanctuary Kitchen are partnering to celebrate our vibrant refugee & immigrant community from around the world.
Enjoy performances by students from IRIS & chefs of Sanctuary Kitchen as they share stories & poems on the theme of “Emerging.”
This event would not be complete without international food! Purchase a Sanctuary Kitchen snack box of Cheese & Spinach Fatayer, Hummus & crudite. Order now for pick up at the event!

VIRTUAL: Cafe IT - "Erasing Invisibility: Creating an Indigenous Ready University"

The contemporary story of Native Americans, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, and other Indigenous peoples is fraught with historical and cultural inaccuracies and harmful stereotypes.

In addition, the prevailing narrative of Native people in education is one of failure, trauma, deficit based, and invisibility. However, what is omitted about Native people is their strength, resistance, humor, and stories of triumph.

VIRTUAL: Dean Robert Blocker & Hsing-ay Hsu on Music in Our Lives

Tune in to this conversation about the people and ideas behind the music. Robert Blocker (Dean, Yale School of Music) and Hsing-ay Hsu (pianist and Steinway Artist) explore their musical spirit, topical issues that musicians continue to confront across cultures and borders, and creativity as a source of courage and empowerment through Yale-China Midday Musical Moments.

VIRTUAL: Dean Robert Blocker & Hsing-ay Hsu on Musical Empowerment

Tune in to this conversation about the people and ideas behind the music. Robert Blocker (Dean, Yale School of Music) and Hsing-ay Hsu (pianist and Steinway Artist) explore their musical spirit, topical issues that musicians continue to confront across cultures and borders, and creativity as a source of courage and empowerment through Yale-China Midday Musical Moments.

VIRTUAL: Midday Musical Moments with Steinway Artist Hsing-ay Hsu

Midday Musical Moments
with Steinway Artist Hsing-ay Hsu
Join us as pianist Hsing-ay Hsu (Yale School of Music ‘01) leads musical webinars every Thursday from May 27 through July 29.
In our present day of medical, social, economic, and racial distress, creativity in music offers us a path forward. Music offers a general gentle approach to the topic of multi-dimensional awareness, which provides a crucial foundational step towards empathy.
May 27 - July 29
Thursdays at 12:00 pm ET

VIRTUAL: Midday Musical Moments with Steinway Artist Hsing-ay Hsu

Midday Musical Moments
with Steinway Artist Hsing-ay Hsu
Join us as pianist Hsing-ay Hsu (Yale School of Music ‘01) leads musical webinars every Thursday from May 27 through July 29.
In our present day of medical, social, economic, and racial distress, creativity in music offers us a path forward. Music offers a general gentle approach to the topic of multi-dimensional awareness, which provides a crucial foundational step towards empathy.
May 27 - July 29
Thursdays at 12:00 pm ET

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