
VIRTUAL: Historical Trauma and Health - Biological Anthropology Colloquium

Dr. Zaneta M. Thayer presents a talk on, “Historical trauma and health: Integrating biological and social pathways.” Dr. Zaneta M. Thayer is an Assistant Professor in the Anthropology Department at Dartmouth College. She investigates how social inequalities, such as poverty, racism and historical trauma, create health inequalities. She aims to understand how and why these experiences shape health and biology.

Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist

Join DiversAbility at Yale and the Working Women’s Network for a discussion with Judith Heumann about her memoir: Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist. A story of fighting to belong in a world that wasn’t built for all of us and of one woman’s activism—from the streets of Brooklyn and San Francisco to inside the halls of Washington—Being Heumann recounts Judy Heumann’s lifelong battle to achieve respect, acceptance, and inclusion in society.

YAAA Financial Literacy What You Need To Know

Join the Yale African American Affinity Group, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. New Haven Metropolitan Chapter, and New Haven Club, Inc. of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., for an overview of financial literacy.
Financial freedom begins with proper financial education. Attendees will: understand the true meaning of financial freedom and independence overall; learn from skilled professionals from People’s Bank; and receive an overview of financial literacy, investing, budgeting, debt management, credit health, and more.

VIRTUAL: Poynter - Karen Tongson - Whiteness & Promises: Notes on Reading Errantly

Karen Tongson is the author of Why Karen Carpenter Matters (a finalist for the 2020 Lambda Literary Award in LGBTQ Nonfiction), and Relocations: Queer Suburban Imaginaries (2011). In 2019, she received Lambda Literary’s Jeanne Córdova Award for Lesbian/Queer Nonfiction for her body of work to date. She is chair of gender & sexuality studies, and Professor of gender & sexuality studies, English and American studies & ethnicity at USC. She is also co-editor of the award-winning book series, Postmillennial Pop with Henry Jenkins at NYU Press.

The Heart of Fiction

Pulitzer Prize finalist Hernan Diaz to deliver spring 2021 Finzi-Contini Lecture
Why dwell on made-up stories? Why make them up in the first place? Can fiction, that pack of lies, aspire to some form of truth? Award-winning novelist Hernan Diaz will present a Finzi-Contini lecture titled “The Heart of Fiction” on Tuesday, March 16, at 4:30 pm EST via Zoom.

Black Futures, Feminist Solidarities

Join us for this virtual discussion with Margo Okazawa-Rey—educator, writer, and social justice activist—who will be discussing the importance of and steps to building feminist solidarities to resist gendered, racialized, classed violence, militarism, and conflict in the U.S. and across the world. A founding member of the Combahee River Collective and well known for her transnational feminist advocacy, Prof.

VIRTUAL: Yale Needs Women Virtual Event

Yale Needs Women: How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant is the true story of the challenges and triumphs of the first class of women at Yale College. Through stories and conversation, author Anne Gardiner Perkins, Connie Royster ’72, and former Assistant Dean Betsy Thomas will highlight the strength, resilience, and courage of those groundbreaking women and their lasting impact on Yale. Join the Working Women’s Network and Yale African American Affinity Group for this engaging, educational, and empowering event.

Teachable Moments: Learning From Parents of Children with a Disability

Join DiversAbility at Yale, Working Women’s Network, Yale African American Affinity Group, and WorkLife for a panel event that will feature university staff sharing their experiences of parenting a child with a disability. Topics will include: successful parenting techniques, child advocacy, educational resources, self-care, family networks, and more.

VIRTUAL: Disability (In)Visibility: Moving from Inclusion to Justice

Join us for our 2021 Pan Asian American Heritage Month Keynote featuring Alice Wong (she/her). Alice is a disabled activist, media maker, and consultant. She is the Founder and Director of the Disability Visibility Project, an online community dedicated to creating, sharing and amplifying disability media and culture created in 2014. Currently, Alice is the editor of Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century, an anthology of essays by disabled people, available now by Vintage Books (2020). You can find her on Twitter: @SFdirewolf.

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