
City Rewritten: The Oak Street Connector and Urban Renewal in New Haven

“City Rewritten: The Oak Street Connector and Urban Renewal in New Haven” explores the effects of the formative era of urban renewal on New Haven’s urban landscape and social history. Urban renewal was a progressive vision aimed at revitalizing a city’s economy, beautifying the urban landscape, removing residents from substandard living conditions, and promoting racial integration. However, historians and urban planners have largely viewed the policy as a failure, one that disproportionately displaced impoverished Black people and reinforced patterns of segregation.

Today's a New DAY!

DAY invites you to celebrate its relaunch in September 2023!

DAY recently changed its name after a year-long process that included input from DAY members and the broader Yale community. This new name is aligned with our mission to create an inclusive environment for all individuals in our community who have a disability or who are impacted by disability in their lives.

We are thrilled to invite DAY members, the Yale community, and our community partners to our two relaunch events in September 2023.

RSVP for one or both events. Come join us on:

Today's a New DAY!

DAY invites you to celebrate its relaunch in September 2023!

DAY recently changed its name after a year-long process that included input from DAY members and the broader Yale community. This new name is aligned with our mission to create an inclusive environment for all individuals in our community who have a disability or who are impacted by disability in their lives.

We are thrilled to invite DAY members, the Yale community, and our community partners to our two relaunch events in September 2023.

RSVP for one or both events. Come join us on:

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