Black & Students with Disabilities (NSOP)
Join the New Student Outreach and Programming team for the next segment in our community-building discussion series focused on the intersectional experience of being a Black student with disabilities! Happening in the Founders’ Room!
seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones
When Cleo uses her anonymous Twitter account @INCOGNEGRO to ignite an online protest against cultural appropriation, threads of overwhelming digital backlash quickly ensue. As the lines between virtual identities and real lives begin to blur, the mounting pressure threatens to unravel Cleo and Kara’s friendship. seven methods of killing kylie jenner, by Jasmine Lee-Jones, blends theatre with the online language of Twitter and the 21st Century—memes, gifs, and emojis—to explore the complexities of Black identity, white exploitation, and the volatile nature of social media activism.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones
When Cleo uses her anonymous Twitter account @INCOGNEGRO to ignite an online protest against cultural appropriation, threads of overwhelming digital backlash quickly ensue. As the lines between virtual identities and real lives begin to blur, the mounting pressure threatens to unravel Cleo and Kara’s friendship. seven methods of killing kylie jenner, by Jasmine Lee-Jones, blends theatre with the online language of Twitter and the 21st Century—memes, gifs, and emojis—to explore the complexities of Black identity, white exploitation, and the volatile nature of social media activism.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones
When Cleo uses her anonymous Twitter account @INCOGNEGRO to ignite an online protest against cultural appropriation, threads of overwhelming digital backlash quickly ensue. As the lines between virtual identities and real lives begin to blur, the mounting pressure threatens to unravel Cleo and Kara’s friendship. seven methods of killing kylie jenner, by Jasmine Lee-Jones, blends theatre with the online language of Twitter and the 21st Century—memes, gifs, and emojis—to explore the complexities of Black identity, white exploitation, and the volatile nature of social media activism.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones
When Cleo uses her anonymous Twitter account @INCOGNEGRO to ignite an online protest against cultural appropriation, threads of overwhelming digital backlash quickly ensue. As the lines between virtual identities and real lives begin to blur, the mounting pressure threatens to unravel Cleo and Kara’s friendship. seven methods of killing kylie jenner, by Jasmine Lee-Jones, blends theatre with the online language of Twitter and the 21st Century—memes, gifs, and emojis—to explore the complexities of Black identity, white exploitation, and the volatile nature of social media activism.
seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones
When Cleo uses her anonymous Twitter account @INCOGNEGRO to ignite an online protest against cultural appropriation, threads of overwhelming digital backlash quickly ensue. As the lines between virtual identities and real lives begin to blur, the mounting pressure threatens to unravel Cleo and Kara’s friendship. seven methods of killing kylie jenner, by Jasmine Lee-Jones, blends theatre with the online language of Twitter and the 21st Century—memes, gifs, and emojis—to explore the complexities of Black identity, white exploitation, and the volatile nature of social media activism.
BIOMES: The Atlantic Opportunity presented by Dr. Jonathan Howard
About the Seminar:
This talk interrogates the environmental implications of Europe and Africa’s transatlantic crossings, through the lens of Thoreau’s musings on the former in his essay “Walking.” Broadly, I will argue that these crossings give rise to two radically diverging interfaces with the planet: whiteness’ stand your ground subjectivity and blackness’ ongoing inhabitation of the deep.
'True False, Hot Cold': Film Screening & Discussion
Please join the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) and the Environmental Film Festival at Yale (EFFY) on Monday, September 9, 6-8pm in Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall, 195 Prospect St., New Haven for a film screening and discussion about climate change, belief, and talking with people you don’t agree with. Food will be provided.
West Campus Wildlife Walk: Fall Migrant Birds
Join Peabody Museum experts and friends for the 1.5 mile round trip walk. Meet in the Conference Center lobby. Walk culminates with refreshments and networking at the West Campus Barn. Stout footwear advised. Binoculars provided. Rain cancels. OPEN TO EVERYONE.