
IMPACT 2: Writing For Change: The Power of the Op-ed

Something bugs you. Excites you. Compels you to act. But how? How do you share your expertise or passion about a topic and try to change the world or, at least, the way some people think?
In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to get your voice onto the page and your ideas onto the national stage. We’ll cover the key components of great opinion essays, the best way to approach an outlet, working with an editor, and review a few attendees’ pieces. (Pieces of no more than 750 words need to be submitted by March 8 and will be selected by the workshop leader.)

VIRTUAL: Innovator's Toolkit: Branding & Gender Equality with Liz Giorgi from soona

Elizabeth (Liz) Giorgi is a media entrepreneur and Emmy Award winner. In this workshop, she discusses branding and gender equality.
Elizabeth (Liz) Giorgi is currently the CEO and co-founder of soona, a same-day photo and video service that helps brands get professional, custom content for less than the price of stock content. She is a passionate advocate for women and is also the creator of the Candor Clause, an open-source legal agreement to help create gender equity in venture financing for startups.

VIRTUAL: WE@Yale Women Innovators Series: Rebecca Minkoff

Join WE@Yale to hear from Rebecca Minkoff an industry leader in accessible luxury handbags, accessories, footwear and apparel.
The WE@Yale Women Innovators speaker series is designed to foster community discussion, idea sharing, and best practices in support of Yale women and non-binary femme entrepreneurs and innovators. Community members of all genders are welcome to attend these talks, which are free and open to the public.

VIRTUAL: IMPACT 2: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Are you ready to make an IMPACT? Join the Yale Alumni Association for IMPACT 2, a series of virtual workshops, panels, lectures, and personal stories that showcase and amplify the power of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
This powerful virtual series, tailor-made for our turbulent, world-shifting times, will include:
• Panel discussions that bring together experts to discuss new approaches to criminal justice reform, how healthcare inequities come to be, the future of the disability and environmental justice movements, and more.

Colloquium for Business and Society. Claude Grunitzky: CEO, The Equity Alliance, Founder TRUE Africa

The Dean’s Office is proud to present “The Colloquium on Business and Society: A Transcultural Conversation with Claude Grunitzky.” How to navigate multiple worlds, build strong relationships, and launch mission-driven ventures while staying true to yourself.
Claude Grunitzky is CEO, The Equity Alliance, and Founder, TRUE Africa. The conversation will be moderated by Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Julia DeBenigno.

VIRTUAL: Poynter - Jehane Noujaim: Making Documentaries Today

Jehane Noujaim is a verité-style documentary filmmaker who brings intimacy and empathy to whatever topic she pursues. Beginning with her early films, Rafea: Solar Mama (2013), Control Room (2004) and Startup.com (2001), Noujaim’s work is social and political, tackling large issues through the individuals experiencing them. Her film The Square (2013) provided a ground-level view of the Egyptian Revolution and garnered an Oscar nomination, three Emmy wins, and the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival.

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