Yale Postdoctoral Trainees

Captioning Your Media at Yale: Options and Basics

Have media you need to caption, but unsure what your responsibilities are or captioning under Yale’s Accessibility Policy, where to begin, or what options are available? This two-hour training via Zoom covers paid options for captioning your media through our Preferred Captioning Vendors 3Play Media and Rev.com, as well as free options, like YouTube. Attendees will leave understanding their obligations under Yale’s policy, the differences between the major captioning file types, and how to create, edit, and sync captions to their media for both Canvas courses and websites.

Accessible Word Documents, PowerPoints, and PDFs: Basics

This beginner’s document accessibility workshop is designed to train staff in the basic methods used for making Word documents, PowerPoint Presentations, and PDFs digitally accessible, for inclusion on university websites or for university-related business, including teaching, student services, and other administrative support. It is appropriate for anyone interested in learning how to make documents used in everyday university business more accessible and will cover the fundamentals of document creation and remediation.

Virtual: WWN Mock Interview Event

Whether you’re ready to explore new opportunities at Yale or want to brush up on your interviewing skills, mock interviews can help you sell yourself with confidence! Join a member of the Office of Staffing and Career Development for a 1:1 virtual mock interview and feedback session. 25-minute sessions are available on Thursday, January 21st between 11:00am – 1:00pm. Please use our Qualtrics link to sign up for a time slot which works for your schedule. After you’ve signed up, a private Zoom link will be sent to you through Outlook.

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