Yale Postdoctoral Trainees

Yale SOM Student Conference: FEMPIRE 2020: Running to Win

Fempire2020: Running to Win will bring together female leaders of business and politics for a day of candid, educational, and inspirational conversation. In this unique inflection point in America’s history and politics, it is more important than ever to galvanize a new generation of women to engage with their communities and take charge of their civic duty. We hope to demonstrate the myriad ways in which young women (and allies) can take part in the democratic process, and catalyze the change we hope to see in the U.S. and beyond.

"Transcend": Yale Well Lecture with Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman Ph.D., psychologist and author of “Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization”, in a conversation with Kimberly Goff-Crews, secretary and vice president for university life. How can we reimagine Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in order to realize our full potential and live a more creative, fulfilled, and connected life?
A brown bag lunch is available to take-out for the first 100 attendees.

LGBTQ Affinity Book Club: Redefining Realness, Janet Mock

Join us for snacks and discussion of Janet Mock’s NYT Bestseller, Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More.

Do you want to know more about LGBTQ writers or do need motivation to read? Join the LGBTQ Affinity book club! Every two months, we meet to discuss and compare note on a book that is chosen by the group. The book are usually available at Yale or New Haven libraries.

Contemporary Conversations & Book Signings with Caylin Louis Moore

Caylin Louis Moore grew up in the Compton and South-Central Los Angeles area of California where dreaming big was risky. Today, he is a 25-year-old who overcame a troubled childhood to become a Rhodes Scholar. A Dream Too Big is an eye-opening, inspirational story, that contrary to what others told him, there is no such thing as a dream too big. Moore will be at Saint Thomas More on Thursday to talk about his memoir and will be at Mory’s for a meet and greet. Books will be available for signing and purchase.

Captioning Your Media at Yale: Options and Basics

Have media you need to caption, but unsure what your responsibilities are for captioning under Yale’s Accessibility Policy, where to begin, or what options are available? This two-hour training covers paid options for captioning your media through our Preferred Captioning Vendors 3Play Media and Rev.com, as well as free options, like YouTube. Attendees will leave understanding their obligations under Yale’s policy, the differences between the major captioning file types, and how to create, edit, and sync captions to their media for both Canvas courses and websites.

Accessible Word Documents, PowerPoints, and PDFs: Basics

This beginner’s document accessibility workshop is designed to train staff in the basic methods used for making Word documents, PowerPoint Presentations, and PDFs digitally accessible, for inclusion on University websites or for university-related business, including teaching, student services, and other administrative support. It is appropriate for anyone interested in learning how to make documents used in everyday university business more accessible and will cover the fundamentals of document creation and remediation.

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