Getting Un-Stuck: Strategies for Getting Out of The Rut

Event time: 
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Join FLY, WWN, YAAA, and YLNG for the next Building Wealth Generator Series event entitled “Getting Un-Stuck: Strategies for Getting Out of The Rut”. We will discuss how to get through painful decisions or disengage from a tangle of overlapping challenges, how the financial and legal implications of being stuck can be devastating and grow worse over time and finding help when facing problems, and investigating alternative paths and moving forward.

Guest speakers will include Jackie Wiggins JD, Stephen R. Vaughan and Eric Judge, CFP. This event will be moderated by Elvin Turner, JD, MBA.

Open To: 
Cultivating Conversation Event: