How to Support Mental Health in Family and Friends

Event time: 
Monday, February 20, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

From time to time we all have friends or family who suffer with low mood. When low mood persists,
it is hard to know what to do, especially when you worry about making things worse. This is not a program about your mental and emotional health, but it is about the very positive role you can play in other’s
wellness. Because you are probably not a doctor or health professional, there are limits to the
support you can provide, so it is important to know those boundaries. Then, once you understand
those limitations there are many helpful and supportive conversations and actions you can be
Participants will:
• Understand the boundaries of being a supportive friend vs the role of professionals
• Know how to overcome social stigma and start the conversation
• Identify questions to ask and actions to take
• Recognize the importance of being there
• Learn that talking about suicide will not make things worse
• Explore how to follow up without being intrusive
This session will be led by a presenter through Optum, Yale’s Employee Assistance Program

Free but register in advance
Cultivating Conversation Event: