Juneteenth Opening Ceremony, Elder Honoring, and Mantle Award

Event time: 
Friday, June 18, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:45pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

The Juneteenth Opening Ceremony will include messages by Mayor Justin Elicker and Elder Byron Breland, as well as performances by Dr. Karima Robinson as Ida B. Wells, Keepers of the Culture Performing Arts Company, singer Lucitta Odyce Adger, artist/poet Shaunda Holloway, and singers Pamela Campbell and son, Gabriel Abdul-Kareem. The event will be hosted by Chaz Carmon, Hanan Hameen, and Tennille Murphy of the Official Juneteenth Coalition of Greater New Haven.


888-278-4332 (information) or 888-736-2663 (tickets)
Open To: 
Cultivating Conversation Event: