Mental Acrobatics: Self-Care for Black Women

Event time: 
Monday, March 8, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Delve into the stereotypes that black women in American have faced both past and present and how they shape our perceptions of each other and ourselves. Led by Jameela Jackson and Mackenzi Davis, learn the burdens placed on black women and what we can do to change it.

This conversation will be informational for our friends and allies who would like to help change the way the world sees and treats black women.

Free but register in advance
Virtual Private Network (VPN) access is required to register for the event listed above. If you are having VPN issues, the IT help desk can assist (203-432-9000).

(203) 432-9667
Cultivating Conversation Event: