Moral Crisis in the Church: Discussion with Rev. Kennedy Mwita

Event time: 
Monday, February 18, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Sterling Divinity Quadrangle (SDQ ), RSV Room See map
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

This February 23-26, the United Methodist Church will gather its international legislative body in St. Louis for a special session that could decide the future of the denomination. This session has been called specifically to address the church’s moral impasse regarding its current discrimination against LGBTQ people. Join us as Yale Divinity School invites international UMC leaders to discuss the upcoming gathering.

The LGBTQ+ affirming movement in the United States has often scapegoated the growing votes from the continent of Africa as hindering the progress of LGBTQ+ rights in the UMC, but the reality is much more complex. Over lunch, Rev. Mwita will share with us what it has meant for him, as a church leader in Kenya, to become a public ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ people.

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