Event time:
Sunday, June 13, 2021 - 10:00am to 8:00pm
Online ()
Event description:
In partnership with New Haven Pride Center, this event welcomes all members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to envision a safe New Haven for all people.
10:00a | Program Welcome and Community Blessing
10:30a | Combating Anti-Asian Bias, Festishization, and Hate
12:00p | The Complexity of Black Sexuality and Identity
1:30p | Workshop Track 1: Racial Justice Activists
De-Stigmatizing the Body in the Racial Justice Movement
Self-Care & Healing for Racial Justice Changemakers
1:30p | Workshop Track 2: Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Bias Informed
Aspiring & Active Co-Conspiratorship
Holistic Anti-Racism for White Folks
5:00p | A Conversation With Blair Imani
6:30p | Performance: The Power of the Spoken Word
Free but register in advance
888-278-4332 (information) or 888-736-2663 (tickets)
Open To:
Calendar Sponsor:
CT Humanities; CT Public Radio; New Haven Pride Center
Cultivating Conversation Event: