Stephen Duncombe is an author, professor and co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism, where he has trained activists and artists around the world to be both more effective and affective in their protests. Even when protesting issues that are deadly serious, activists have long used humor to break down barriers and build affective solidarities with audiences, deploying critical satire to highlight the absurdity or brutality of the status quo. But humor can also have a prophetic function: demonstrating, through laughter and jubilation, what a better world might look like. Drawing on examples such as the American Indian occupation of Alcatraz, environmental protests in China, and escapades of the Yes Men, Stephen will lead us in a lively discussion of the seriously funny in art and protest.
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Sponsored by Beinecke Library, the Postwar Culture Working Group, and the Whitney Humanities Center. For more information about the ART & PROTEST SERIES or to join the mailing list, write to
Seriously Funny: Humor, Satire, and the Art of Protest with Stephen Duncombe
Event time:
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
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