Yale Departments are participating in the US Marine Corps New Haven Toys for Tots drive. We invite you to bring new and unwrapped toys as part of this charitable effort. The collection will run from November 6th through December 7th.
Collection Locations:
School of Medicine Psychiatry - 300 George Street, 9th Floor
Development Office - Connecticut Financial Center, 157 Church Street, Main Lobby
International Security Studies (ISS)/Jackson School of Global Affairs - 46 Hillhouse Avenue
Yale Security - Security Desk at Yale Health, 55 Lock Street
Yale Police Department - 101 Ashmun Street
Yale Press - 302 Temple Street
Office of New Haven Affairs - 433 Temple Street, 2nd Floor
School of the Environment - 195 Prospect Street, Kroon Hall
Law School, Faculty Support Department - 127 Wall Street, Outside of the Dining Hall
Sociology Department - 493 College Street
Business Operations/Humanities, Social Sciences & Academic Services - Dow Building, 370 Temple Street, 4th Floor
Navy ROTC - 55 Whitney Avenue, 4th Floor & Credit Union on Main Level
Office of Facilities - 2 Whitney Avenue, Lobby
Office of Diversity & Inclusion - 221 Whitney Avenue, Lobby
25 Science Park - Main Lobby
West Campus - Yale School of Nursing (Main Entrance), 400 West Campus Drive, YSN Lobby
We thank you in advance for your generous contributions and for bringing joy to children this holiday season.