VIRTUAL: Learn the Art of Origami

Event time: 
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 4:00pm to 4:45pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

If you’ve never tried origami, please join the Office of International Students & Scholars for a special virtual workshop where we will teach you the basics and learn how to make a beautiful paper tulip!
Origami is composed of the Japanese words oru (to fold) and kami (paper), and has a rich and complex history. This 45 minute workshop will be led by Yuko Amikra, one of our active ISPY members from Japan, who will walk us through some history of origami and show us step-by-step how to make a lovely spring inspired tulip (designed credit: Kunihiko Kasahara).
What you will need:
2 sheets of square paper – one for the stem and one for the flower. You can use white paper, or use colored paper to make your tulip brighter!
Thin paper is preferred – similar to copy paper.
If you’re feeling inspired, you can buy special origami paper online for as little as $8. However you do not need specialized paper to attend this workshop.
This workshop is open to everyone and aimed at beginners. Please register to attend and receive the Zoom instructions.
Yuko is a scientist, astrobiologist, and STEM teacher by trade, but since last March she has picked up origami as a hobby to keep her busy during the lockdowns. She has gotten so good, that she even started an amazing origami Instagram account: @gyudonart! She hopes to see you there & looks forward to sharing her skills with you.

Cultivating Conversation Event: