Virtual: “Lift the Mask” Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion

Event time: 
Friday, October 16, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Join DiversAbility at Yale and Future Leaders of Yale for a screening of Lift the Mask: Portraits of Life with Mental Illness.

Lift the Mask tells the often harrowing, but hopeful stories of 6 diverse individuals living with mental health diagnoses and the caregivers who provide much of their support. From the onset of symptoms and the quest for a diagnosis, to managing the subsequent treatments and medications, the film’s subjects frankly discuss the most difficult and traumatic moments of their journeys. These six people of very different backgrounds navigate social stigmas, suicide; a cause of death alarmingly on the rise in the U.S., and incarceration; a common but overlooked outcome of mental illness. The film finds both devastation and hope as these characters struggle with some of the most debilitating and misunderstood of illnesses.

To view the Film Trailer go to:

Free but register in advance

(203) 432-9667
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