VIRTUAL: SDLAC 2021 Panel - Decarbonization pathways: raising climate ambition in the AFOLU sector

Event time: 
Friday, April 9, 2021 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Online () See map
Calendar Speaker/Performer: 
Silvia Llamas, Deissy Martínez Baron, Manuel Estrada
Event description: 

Silvia Llamas is Coordinator of Operations in Pronatura Sur A.C. Deissy Martínez Baron is Regional Program Leader for Latin America in the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Manuel Estrada is REDD+ and AFOLU Director, Verra.
Due to institutional and technology lock-in, the decisions made by governments today will likely determine the carbon-intensity of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) economies for years to come. How can we balance the need for an urgent economic recovery and the necessary movement towards a decarbonized economy to prevent potentially catastrophic climate change impacts? What are the critical next steps for the AFOLU sector?
he Sixth Annual Conference on Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on April 5th to April 9th, 2021 at the Yale School of the Environment. This year’s theme is “Recovering from the Pandemic Through Sustainability.”
The 2021 conference will explore the acute impact of the COVID-19 health crisis and the impact it has had in Latin Americans. The region has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic. While this can be explained and studied from the lenses of sustainability and social justice alike, the conference is more concerned with looking ahead. What comes next in the development of the LAC region will be crucial in determining if and when true social equity is achieved, and sustainable development provides a useful framework from which to look at a potential equitable recovery.
Born out of student initiative, the event will be co-hosted by Yale School of the Environment and the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies (CLAIS) at The MacMillan Center.
Contact: SDLAC SIG, Contact form in footer of registration page,

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