YAAA Steering Committee Meeting w/Eat Up LLC, Eat Up Foundation & Gorilla Lemonade LLC

Event time: 
Thursday, June 23, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Please join in our monthly YAAA meetings. These meetings are an opportunity to hear about what has been happening with YAAA and what is in the works. We welcome all those who are interested in getting involved and sharing their ideas. Guest speakers will be Kristen Threatt and Brian Burkett Thompson from Eat Up LLC, Eat Up Foundation, and Gorilla Lemonade LLC.

Kristen Threatt, Co-owner of Eat Up, LLC, President of The Eat Up Foundation & Co-Owner of Gorilla Lemonade. Born and raised in NYC. Has been in Sales for over 10 years. Kristen was a salesman @ Frontier Communications & Also Xfinity/Comcast. He has experience in the Hotel field as well as in Housekeeping and Banquet servers. Kristen loves his community and wants to see a change. It is impossible to make a change, change starts with ourselves. Kristen believes that He and Brian can change the narrative in our Community with the help of others that feels the way they do. Their slogan for their community is “Community Over Competition.” Kris and Brian want Gorilla Lemonades to go to the Next Level! Why can’t we go international? We will put the work in & the whole world will be sipping these Gorilla Lemonades.
Brian Burkett Thompson Co-Owner of Eat Up, LLC. is a chef born right here in New Haven, CT. Brian loves to cook and loves the science behind the culinary arts field. Although he didn’t go to school, he has been working in the industry for over 10 years. He has learned a lot of skills and techniques over the years working in places like the Madison beach hotel, Mory’s, the great river golf club, and Yale University Schwarzman center, and has also worked with a host of amazing chefs with that he stays connected with. Brian says, “I am looking to use the skills and techniques that I have learned to take Eat Up and Gorilla lemonades to the next level.” “My goal is to one day be able to train kids in the community on the culinary arts field and kitchen tradition so the youth will always have a chance at opportunities in the kitchen.”

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Free but register in advance