The keynote for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Students and Mentors Institute in Technical Art History, this conversation between artist Vanessa German and curator Anne Collins Smith will broach issues of materiality and care, as well as preservation of the tangible and intangible, with respect to German’s work. German engages both the material and immaterial in her mixed-media artworks and in her practice as a citizen artist based in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Smith, Curator of Collections and Interim Director at the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Atlanta, takes a multidisciplinary approach in her work and seeks to uplift shared culture and heritage. The conversation will be moderated by Cynthia Schwarz, Senior Associate Conservator of Paintings at the Gallery. Generously funded by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
Closed captions will be available in English.
Registration required; for more information and to register, visit https://bit.ly/3g9CDm6.