Event time:
Sunday, June 23, 2024 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
New Haven Green (NHG)
Temple Street
New Haven, CT
Event description:
A renaissance is unfolding in Fair Haven and one of its exciting outcomes is the rediscovery of murals and other forms of public art. Some of these artworks were created decades ago, while others emerged within the past two years. Local artists contributed many of these pieces, but nationally and internationally recognized figures also left their mark. Regardless of their creators’ origins, these public works of art share a common thread: their existence within the vibrant tapestry of Fair Haven, a culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhood. Join Lee Cruz on this bike ride where you will see murals and other public works of art.
Free but register in advance
888-278-4332 (information) or 888-736-2663 (tickets)
Open To:
Cultivating Conversation Event: