
World Fellows Week

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week: September 14-18, 2020. The 2020 World Fellow are exceptional leaders dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community.

World Fellows Week

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week: September 14-18, 2020. The 2020 World Fellow are exceptional leaders dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community.

World Fellows Week 2020

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week 2020! These exceptional leaders are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community – the 2020 World Fellows.

World Fellows Week 2020

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week 2020! These exceptional leaders are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community – the 2020 World Fellows.

World Fellows Week 2020

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week 2020! These exceptional leaders are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community – the 2020 World Fellows.

World Fellows Week 2020

Mark your calendar for World Fellows Week 2020! These exceptional leaders are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world, and they want to share their ideas and connect with you.
We invite you to check out Fellows’ bios and introductory videos, schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with Fellows, and learn more about how you can connect with them this fall. It’s a great chance to get to know some of the most interesting people in the Yale community – the 2020 World Fellows.

VIRTUAL: Decentering Institutional Whiteness

Whiteness—like all racial categories is more than a social construct. Whiteness remains artificially linked to power and privilege, maintaining unjust social, political, and educational hierarchies that serve to limit access and equity, to silence, stifle and harm. As Universities across the country confront legacies rooted in white supremacy and work to adopt anti-racist practices, systemic racism is being grappled with and made visible as an ideology at the root cause of social inequities.

VIRTUAL: The Costs of Code-Switching

What is code-switching? How is it used? How does it affect people of color in every day experiences? How do we allow for authenticity?

Join the Office of Diversity & Inclusion and Dr. Courtney L. McCluney for an interactive discussion on code-switching, and how it affects people of color’s everyday experiences at work and on campus. We will identify cultural norms that create pressure for individuals to code-switch, and develop a path forward to create inclusive environments where everyone can be themselves.

VIRTUAL: Parenting Check-In

Join the next parenting check-in sessions on Wednesday, September 9 & 23 at 1:30 pm via Zoom. The check-ins will serve as an opportunity for Yale community parents to check-in, share tips and tricks and concerns about our new normal of being parent(s), continued work responsibilities, and now the additional responsibility of homeschooling and managing the nuances of having babies and toddlers at home instead of daycare. The conversation will be a safe space for us to positively communicate and learn and grow from each other.

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