Democratic Backsliding in Latin America

Event time: 
Friday, February 10, 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual () See map
Event description: 

Countries in Latin America have enjoyed periods of democratic revival and suffered from periods of democratic decline since their independence. Recent events in Peru and Brazil add to the many cases in which democracy was about to break, but it did not.

Join Isabela Mares (Yale University) for a conversation on Peru, Brazil, and democratic backsliding with three fantastic experts on the region: Brian Winter (Americas Quarterly), Susan Stokes (the University of Chicago), and Rodrigo Barrenechea (David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies - Harvard University). This webinar is co-hosted in collaboration with the University of Chicago’s Center on Democracy.

Free but register in advance
Please register on Zoom for this virtual panel discussion
Cultivating Conversation Event: