This special symposium seeks to make designers and practitioners aware of their capacity to improve access to and perceptions of mental health. One-quarter of the global population will suffer from mental illness at some stage of life. The built environment therefore becomes an urgent stage in which mental health must be addressed. The rise of urban inequality has huge impacts on an individual’s access to mental health services. This symposium will explore issues of mental health at three scales: the city, the hospital, and the home. In engaging an interdisciplinary team to explore these themes, we can begin to understand how practitioners influence practices surrounding mental health in the built environment.
Thursday, March 26
Keynote Address
Mindy Thompson Fullilove
“The Social and Ecological Aspects of the Psychology of Place”
Friday, March 27–Saturday, March 28
Speakers include Earle Chambers, Alison Cunningham, Jason Danziger, Hannah Hull, Christian Karlsson, Molly Kaufman, Bryan C. Lee, Christopher Payne, Sam Tsemberis, Kelechi Ubozoh, Martin Voss.
Beyond the Visible: Space, Place, and Power in Mental Health is supported in part by the J. Irwin Miller Endowment.