If you add content to your websites, chances are you’re also responsible for managing social media for your department or unit. Social media platforms like YouTube/Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can present unique challenges for users with disabilities, many of which are beyond your control.
In this Zoom training you’ll learn not only how to use the accessibility features that are available on these platforms, but also valuable work-arounds to counter those that are not. Attendees are encouraged to bring a piece of content—a video, tweet, or photo–you’d like to make accessible on social media (you can use a personal account if you don’t have access to Yale accounts on personal devices). We will spend the first half of the training going through the basics of social media accessibility and the second half creating accessible content ourselves. Zoom Link available through Yale’s Training and Management System (TMS).
Social Media Accessibility: Basics
Event time:
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 - 9:00am to 10:30am
(see "Description" for details) ()
Event description:
Free but register in advance
Cultivating Conversation Event: