This symposium, which will take place from 1-3 pm on Tuesday, November 10, is a celebration of women’s contributions to chemistry and the history of women chemists at Yale. The symposium coincides with the unveiling of a permanent exhibit in the chemistry buildings, which features women chemists who have made prominent contributions inside and outside Yale. The symposium will start with a series of presentations describing some of these women, followed by talks on the experience of women in science by alumnae from the department who have gone on to successful careers in academia and industry. Alumnae and attendees will also have the opportunity to interact in a panel discussion. Finally, a networking session at 3:30 pm, co-hosted by Yale Scientific Magazine, will foster the contacts that support the future of women in science.
VIRTUAL: Celebration of Women in Chemistry: Virtual Symposium and Networking Session
Event time:
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Online ()
Calendar Speaker/Performer:
Yale Chemistry Faculty and Alumnae
Event description:
Free but register in advance
To register for the webinar (1-3 pm):
To register for the networking session (3:30-5 pm):
Open To:
Cultivating Conversation Event: