VIRTUAL: Eileen Pollack Speaks on Science as a Boy’s Club: a collaborative event between the Women in Science at Yale and Nencki, Poland

Event time: 
Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Online () See map
Calendar Speaker/Performer: 
Prof. Eileen Pollack
Event description: 

The Women in Science at Yale (WISAY) and the Women in Science at the Nencki Institute (WISaN) in Poland have joined together to host a virtual discussion about strategies to counteract bias faced by women in STEM, and their lack of representation in the upper echelons of the academic system. For the event, we’ve invited Prof. Eileen Pollack to lead the discussion. She is one of the first two women to earn a Bachelors of Science from the Physics Department at Yale, and the author of the book “The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science Is Still a Boys’ Club”. The event takes place on March 25th at 1PM ET, and will provide an opportunity for scientists in Poland and the United States to learn from Prof. Pollack’s research on the cultural, social, psychological, and institutional barriers confronting women in STEM, to brainstorm with allies on how to promote gender equity in STEM internationally, and to form new networks with academics from another institution.

Free but register in advance
Yale affiliates will have the first opportunity to enroll in this event, before it is open more broadly, with 250 spots allocated to institutes across the US.

Cultivating Conversation Event: