“Pollution and Colonialism” by Dr. Max Liboiron is the Keynote for the 37th YSE Research Day. Research Day the annual showcase for diverse, multidisciplinary research conducted at Yale School of the Environment.
Dr. Max Liboiron is a well-known leader in both developing and promoting anticolonial research methods into a wide array of disciplines and spaces. As founder of CLEAR, an interdisciplinary plastic pollution laboratory whose methods foreground humility and good land relations, Liboiron has influenced national policy on both plastics and Indigenous research, invented technologies and protocols for community monitoring of plastics, and led the development of the interdisciplinary field of discard studies.
Any Yale NetID holder may log in to https://researchday.yale.edu to see the Zoom link and the program.
Contact: Sara Smiley Smith, sara.smileysmith@yale.edu
VIRTUAL: “Pollution and Colonialism” by Dr. Max Liboiron
Event time:
Friday, April 16, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online ()
Calendar Speaker/Performer:
Dr. Max Liboiron
Event description:
Any Yale NetID holder may log in to https://researchday.yale.edu to see the Zoom link and the program.
(see "Description" above)
Open To:
Calendar Sponsor:
Cultivating Conversation Event: