WISAY Research Chats

Event time: 
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Watson Center (WTS), A51 See map
60 Sachem Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Women in Science at Yale (WISAY) invites you to Research Chats on Tuesday, April 5th from 6-7:30 pm in Watson Rm A51.

Interested in STEM research, meeting fellow scientists, and/or exploring career paths? If so, you won’t want to miss out on Research Chats organized by Women and Gender Minorities in Science at Yale (WISAY)!! Join us at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 5th as Ife Desamours and Maryann Platt, Ph.D., share their career paths and research. Ife is a graduate student studying novel interventions to reduce transmission of malaria. Maryann is a postdoctoral researcher studying blood-brain barrier maintenance in hibernators. Each informal talk will be 30 minutes, followed by networking! This event is open to all who are interested. Food/beverages will be provided pending COVID guidelines. RSVP for this event here: https://tinyurl.com/WISAYchats22

Contact: wisay.grad.menotring@gmail.com

Free but register in advance

Cultivating Conversation Event: