Yale DiversAbility Alumni Group: In Conversation with Dr. Karin Muraszko ’77

Event time: 
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Join us for this exciting livestream conversation with Dr. Karin Muraszko ’77, a trailblazer for women and persons with disabilities and one of the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeons of our time. As chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan, and a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery with joint appointments in Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics, Dr. Muraszko is the first woman to head a neurosurgery department at any medical school in the United States. A wheelchair user due to her diagnosis of spina bifida, she was one of the earliest Yale students with a known and visible disability.

In this program, we look forward to discussing a range of topics with Dr. Muraszko, including disability identity at Yale and beyond, the intersection of disability and gender, wellness, and current health concerns for the rising generation of students with disabilities. Moderating the discussion is Janni Lehrer-Stein ’78, an attorney, disability rights advocate, and co-chair of the Yale DiversAbility Alumni Group, an emerging shared interest group for alumni with disabilities and allies.


Cultivating Conversation Event: