Event time:
Monday, April 8, 2024 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Paul Rudolph Hall (RDH), Hastings Hall
180 York Street
New Haven, CT
Calendar Speaker/Performer:
Rashida Bumbray & Jamal Cyrus
Event description:
Yale School of Art hosts their first Art & Activism conversation series that brings together world-renowned and courageous artists with academic leaders from the Arts to converse on societal matters that impact our nation. In this inaugural segment of this series, we welcome our keynote speakers, Curator Rashida Bumbray in conversation with Artist Jamal Cyrus, moderated by Nontsikelelo Mutiti, Director of Graduate Studies, Yale SOA Graphic Design.
Co-hosted with the Yale School of Architecture
Open To:
Calendar Sponsor:
Cultivating Conversation Event: