Community Resources & Support Following the Trial of Derek Chauvin
Updated April 30, 2021
The trial of Derek Chauvin for George Floyd’s death marks a deeply difficult moment for our country, following a year that has tested our communities in unprecedented ways. In such challenging times, Yale students, faculty, and staff, as members of a community committed to improving the world, can look to each other for support and for ways to teach and learn together.
The links on this page offer connection to university resources, health and well-being, community events, and wide-ranging scholarship on issues of racism, policing, equity, and justice. This page will be updated as needed; please email to submit additional resources for inclusion here.
Read President Salovey’s message to the Yale community on the April 20 verdict.
Support Resources
If you are experiencing stress, grief, and loss, and need assistance, there are university resources available to support you, including supervisors, deans, heads of college, and other advisors.
Yale’s Chaplain’s Office, Employee Assistance Program for faculty and staff (Counseling and Support Services), and Student Mental Health & Counseling are available to you for one-to-one support. Therapists are available to students at any time by calling (203) 432-0290. Yale College Community Care offers undergraduate students additional options for support through its four College Care Clinicians and Community Wellness Specialists.
Being Well at Yale and the Good Life Center provide virtual programming and ideas to promote well-being.
There are opportunities to gather in community. Yale’s cultural centers, Office of International Students and Scholars, Office of LGBTQ Resources, and employee affinity groups host virtual events and share resources.
If you face harassment or discrimination, please reach out. Individuals with concerns can contact deans’ designees or the Office of Institutional Equity and Access (OIEA).
The Get Support section of the website provides additional information for students, faculty, and staff who need guidance, assistance, or information; or who want to discuss or report an incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct.
Scholarship in the News
Yale Teach-In Series reflects on the path forward after the Chauvin verdict
Yale Law School
April 27, 2021
America’s promise: Yale experts on how to achieve a more equitable society
Yale News
February 24, 2021
Connecting ideas and action to understand racism and reduce disparities
Yale Talk: Conversations with President Peter Salovey
January 18, 2021
Racial disparity in police shootings unchanged over 5 years
Yale News
October 27, 2020
In search of justice: Reimagining race, public safety at a watershed moment
Yale News
October 13, 2020
To stop violent policing, build effective police organizations
Yale Insights
June 4, 2020
Community Messages
Yale Leaders Respond to Chauvin Verdict
April 21, 2020
Today’s Verdict on the Murder of George Floyd
April 20, 2020
Message from the Poorvu Center: Resources for Teaching During Troubling Times
April 19, 2021
Yale Leaders Address the Murder of George Floyd and the Legacy of Racist Violence
June 5, 2020
In Memory of George Floyd
May 31, 2020