Class Pictures: Student Archivist Screening Night

Event time: 
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Humanities Quadrangle (HQ), 217A See map
320 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

The culmination of the Yale Film and Media Studies Program course “The Film Archive,” this screening will highlight seven eclectic short films acquired by the Yale Film Archive and overseen by student archivists this semester. The course, taught by Yale Film Archive Managing Archivist Brian Meacham, is built around a semester-long project in which each student selects, acquires, inspects, repairs, views, and researches a film to be added to the Yale Film Archive. In CLASS PICTURES, they will present these 16mm shorts with an introduction to each from the student archivist who selected and worked on it. A presentation of the Yale Film Archive and the Yale Film and Media Studies Program, with support from Paul L. Joskow ’70 M.Phil., ’72 Ph.D.
MASKS AND YALE ID CARDS REQUIRED. Free, but register in advance.

Due to Yale’s COVID-19 policy, in-person screenings are only open to asymptomatic members of the Yale community who are fully vaccinated (meaning they have received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines for their age range, including any boosters when eligible). Unvaccinated children and individuals with any type of COVID-19 vaccine exemption are not permitted to attend in-person Yale events at this time. All attendees must bring and wear an ASTM or N95-equivalent mask at all times in the screening room.

Open to Yale faculty, staff, and students. Free. Please preregister.

(203) 432-0149
Cultivating Conversation Event: