A Conversation on LGBTQI+ Health & Gender-Affirming Care with Admiral Rachel L. Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health

Event time: 
Monday, February 6, 2023 - 12:10pm to 1:30pm
Sterling Law Buildings (SLB ), Yale Law School See map
127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Calendar Speaker/Performer: 
Admiral Rachel L. Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health
Event description: 

Please join the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy for a discussion with Assistant Secretary for Health at U.S. Health and Human Services, Admiral Rachel Levine. Admiral Levine will discuss legal and societal barriers to gender affirming care including the role physicians play in advocacy and addressing misinformation.
Contact: Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy | laurel.lyngklip@yale.edu


Cultivating Conversation Event: