We are hosting an experimental non-traditional classical music event, featuring music that draws from a wide variety of cultures and styles. Removing the barrier between artist and audience, we seek to bring together an eclectic group of artists of all types. Each short 5-7 minute piece will be introduced with points of interest, personal anecdotes, cultural background, and relevance; following each performance, we will lead a small discussion, reacting to what we heard and felt. Discussion involvement is optional, and we will alternate spoken perspectives with a collection of perspectives written or drawn by audience members. No experience with classical music is necessary! This will be a meaningful experience for both classical music lovers and those who have never attended a classical music event, and is intended to be inclusive, exploratory, and is open to all. The event will be 60 minutes long and will offer refreshments during and after the event.
Creative Convergence: Non-traditional Classical Music Performance & Creative Discussion
Event time:
Monday, December 2, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
William L. Harkness Hall (WLH ), Sudler Hall
100 Wall Street
New Haven, CT
Calendar Speaker/Performer:
Laurel Gagnon, Miranda Werner, Brandon Wong, Dylan Kinneavy
Event description:
Open To:
Cultivating Conversation Event: