
YSC Session: Reflective Imagining; How can reflecting on our experiences with gender equity help us build for the future?

How can reflecting on our experiences with gender equity help us build for the future? How can reflecting on our experiences with gender equity help us build for the future?

Please join vocalist, songwriter, performing/recording artist and educator Sarah Elizabeth Charles and Partner & Head of Independent Film at United Talent Agency Rena Ronson for a conversation centered around gender equity and inclusion; grounded in personal experience, learning, and imagining.

VIRTUAL: Belonging at Yale Series - Belonging: Can you be truly authentic?

The Future Leaders of Yale, Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Belonging at Yale invite you to the Belonging at Yale Series. This three-event series will focus on belonging in a complex workplace. These events will explore what the new term of belonging at an organization means and offer diverse experiences and pathways to show and be authentic in a workspace.

The second part of this series will take place on Friday, November 30, 2023 from 12:00-1:00PM around the topic of “Belonging: Can you be truly authentic?”

5th Annual Global Environmental Justice Conference: Environmental Joy

The work of environmental justice communities around the world would not be possible without the element of joy. Joy holds communities together in the face of injustice and adversity and it powers resilience, survival, and even thriving as deep resources that powers big change. Environmental Joy will be a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural exploration of how practices and experiences of joy can uncover transformative solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges.

Yale Women Mentorship Initiative Launch & Reception

The Yale Women’s Leadership Initiative and YaleWomen are launching an exciting partnership and mentorship initiative this Sunday, October 8 at a reception. The event will take place in the Humanities Quadrangle (HQ) 131 (The Student Lounge) from 11am-1pm. There will be Claire’s catering of pastries, coffee, tea, and other snacks. This is an incredible opportunity for students to learn from, meet, and engage with Yale Women alumni. These alumni are an amazing resource for students as they navigate college, career opportunities, and their futures.

Curators' Talk and Reception: Two Student Research Exhibitions

Please join us to celebrate the openings of two student exhibitions “Anne Boleyn: Life and Legend” and “City Rewritten: The Oak Street Connector and Urban Renewal in New Haven”, on view in the Sterling Library Exhibition Corridor from October 13, 2023 to April 21, 2024. Student curators Hannah Oblak ’24 and Simone Herko Felton ’25 will provide tours of their exciting exhibitions and will be available for questions and conversation over light refreshments afterward. No registration is necessary.

“Anne Boleyn: Life and Legend”
Curated by Hannah Oblak ’24

Dalit Art and Writing on a Global Stage

The recent online hate campaign against a Dalit woman writer has raised urgent concerns with far reaching consequences for the wider fields of literary criticism and cultural studies. The nascent and emergent Dalit Letters in English has exploded into view some hitherto unsettled questions around ownership, inspiration, plagiarism, female creativity, and artistic ethicality with respect to Dalit art.

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