General Public

Treasures from the Yale Film Archive: Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire Danny Boyle (2008, 35mm, 120 mins)

The debut film for Dev Patel and Freida Pinto—and the first international film for Bollywood superstar Anil Kapoor—won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Described as “Oliver Twist by way of City of God” (Peter Howell), Slumdog Millionaire recounts a street kid’s improbable rise to game show glory and the young love that drove him to succeed. 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive.

The “Treasures from the Yale Film Archive” series is presented with support from Paul L. Joskow ’70 M.Phil., ’72 Ph.D.

Juneteenth New Haven 2024

Join Descendants of the CT 29th Colored Regiment for their 9th Annual Juneteenth Festival on Saturday, June 22nd. The social wellness of all people of color is the inspiration of this year’s theme – Pan Africanism: Unified by History, Connected in Culture, and Focused on the Future.

Readings of the Declaration of Independence and Frederick Douglass’s 1852 Oration

To mark Independence Day 2024, the Beinecke Library continues its tradition of public readings on July 5 at 4pm on the library mezzanine of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, and of the oration by Frederick Douglass given on July 5, 1852, in Rochester, New York, in which he asked: “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?”

NXTHVN & cARTie Present The Legacy Mobile Exhibition

NXTHVN and cARTie are excited to collaborate and drive a student-led exhibition across New Haven, centered around the theme of “LEGACY.” The upcoming mobile exhibition, touring the greater New Haven area from June 22–August 13, will feature artistic contributions from NXTHVN’s 2023-2024 Apprentices: Assiata Ayinla, Lauriann Burt, Bri Doctor, Isaiah Hampton, Allana Herbert, Issac Perry, Luca Rivera, Ryan Rugarema, and Loretta Tam, as well as residents of the Hannah Gray home that highlight the concept of generational legacy.

Deserve What You Dream

Deserve What You Dream invites visitors to sit and rest while gazing at leisurely pool scenes of Black joy from Derrick Adams’ Floater painting series, abstract paintings of musings and intuitive thoughts by New Haven-based artist Jihyun Lee, and intricate abstract sculptures and latch-hooked rugs by Sarah Zapata throughout NXTHVN’s gallery and aula spaces; along with a vinyl window install of ‘Adventures of Joy Da Black Boi’ from New Haven-based artist Isaac Bloodworth.

Tour of Amistad: Retold at the New Haven Museum

Join a tour to view the New Haven Museum’s updated exhibition Amistad: Retold. The exhibition centers the experiences of the Amistad rebels and their collective action to determine their own lives. It also has a local focus on New Haven as the site of their incarceration and abolitionist organizing leading to the landmark Supreme Court decision. On display are historic and contemporary artistic representations of Amistad that convey the power of the arts to raise awareness and shape collective memory.

Welcome to Newhallville

Join us and get a first-hand look at how community residents and stakeholders have rejuvenated and revitalized sections of Newhallville. You will hear some historical and funny facts about Newhallville that will have prizes attached to the correct answer.

The Murals of Fair Haven presented by Lee Cruz

A renaissance is unfolding in Fair Haven and one of its exciting outcomes is the rediscovery of murals and other forms of public art. Some of these artworks were created decades ago, while others emerged within the past two years. Local artists contributed many of these pieces, but nationally and internationally recognized figures also left their mark. Regardless of their creators’ origins, these public works of art share a common thread: their existence within the vibrant tapestry of Fair Haven, a culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhood.

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