Yale Postdoctoral Trainees

Siteimprove Basics

Have you ever wondered whether there are any broken links on your website? Whether it can be found by searching in Google? How about whether it’s accessible to people with disabilities? Siteimprove is a tool which can help you with all of these questions.

Social Media Training

If you add content to your websites, chances are you’re also responsible for managing social media for your department or unit. Social media platforms like YouTube/Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can present unique challenges for users with disabilities, many of which are beyond your control.

Captioning Training

Have media you need to caption, but unsure what your responsibilities are for captioning under Yale’s Accessibility Policy, where to begin, or what options are available? This two-hour training covers paid options for captioning your media through our Preferred Captioning Vendors 3Play Media and Rev.com, as well as free options, like YouTube. Attendees will leave understanding their obligations under Yale’s policy, the differences between the major captioning file types, and how to create, edit, and sync captions to their media for both Canvas courses and websites.

Accessible Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations and PDFs

This beginner’s document accessibility workshop is designed to train staff in the basic methods used for making Word documents, PowerPoint Presentations, and PDFs digitally accessible, for inclusion on University websites or for university-related business, including teaching, student services, and other administrative support. It is appropriate for anyone interested in learning how to make documents used in everyday university business more accessible and will cover the fundamentals of document creation and remediation.

Parents of LGBTQ Children Lunch

The office of LGBTQ Resources and the LGBTQ Affinity group host lunches for parents of LGBTQ children (and their allies) every third Thursday of each month. All parents of LGBTQ children–as well as LGBTQ staff & faculty and allies–are invited to share this space for support, community, and conversation.

Accessible Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations and PDFs

This beginner’s document accessibility workshop is designed to train staff in the basic methods used for making Word documents, PowerPoint Presentations, and PDFs digitally accessible, for inclusion on university websites or for university-related business, including teaching, student services, and other administrative support. It is appropriate for anyone interested in learning how to make documents used in everyday university business more accessible and will cover the fundamentals of document creation and remediation.

Yale Africa Week: Women in Sports

We invite you to join Simidele Adeagbo, 2019 World Fellow, Olympian, and former head of Nike Africa Marketing for the Running category, for a conversation as part of Yale’s Africa Week events. Simidele will speak about the the power of sport to move Africa forward, its role in developing the next generation of female of leaders and her historic Olympic journey.

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