Event time:
Saturday, June 26, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online ()
Event description:
In honor of World Refugee Day, IRIS & Sanctuary Kitchen are partnering to celebrate our vibrant refugee & immigrant community from around the world.
Enjoy performances by students from IRIS & chefs of Sanctuary Kitchen as they share stories & poems on the theme of “Emerging.”
This event would not be complete without international food! Purchase a Sanctuary Kitchen snack box of Cheese & Spinach Fatayer, Hummus & crudite. Order now for pick up at the event!
Cultural attire & face masks are welcome. Please wear a face mask if you’re not vaccinated.
This event will be streamed live on our FB event page.
Purchase tickets to experience the event in person: https://poetrystorytelling.eventbrite.com
Open To:
Calendar Sponsor:
Cultivating Conversation Event: