General Public

MENA x YAAA talk: "Defining MENA"

This talk will examine the Middle East as simultaneously a foreign policy and domestic concern for diaspora communities. Frequently, a site of ambiguity and contention within domestic law and international institutions, the census rollout of the category demands careful attention to historical nuances, long-standing community activism, and the pitfalls of any kind of institutionalization that excludes.

New Haven Composers Spotlight

The New Haven Composers Spotlight, a collaboration between three emergent composers and 15 local musicians, will debut on April 20, 2024. Supported by both the Mellon Foundation and Arts Council of Greater New Haven via the Artist Corps grant, the Composers Spotlight highlights unique and emerging composers in New Haven and to pair these composers with a large ensemble of musicians from across the institutions and musical communities of the city. The performances span genres from swing and jazz to R&B and contemporary classical music.

The dr. T Project

shorTbread, elderflower, and Three Things worTh knowing in jusT 30 minuTes wiTh ShawkaT M. Toorawa, professor of near eastern languages & civilizations and comparative literature and pierson college fellow

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