Graduate And Professional

Empowering New Haven Entrepreneurs: A Chat with Dawn Leaks and Caroline Smith (Yale '14) of Collab

​Join us in conversation with Dawn Leaks, Executive Director, and Caroline Smith (Yale ‘14), Co-Founder and Director of External Affairs & Organizing, of Collab New Haven. Hear about their journeys building collective power and wealth in the New Haven community, guided by a values-aligned, collaborative, heart-centered approach. Collab offers business accelerator programs to empower New Haven entrepreneurs.

AACC Book Club Meeting 1

We’re reading from the literary anthology Go home! ed. Rowan Hisayo Buchanan (2018). Join us on December 2nd, Friday, 8:45-9:45pm for a casual chat about the anthology and which parts of it speak to you.
Feel free to skip around and read as much/little as you’d like, though I recommend taking a took at the Editor’s Note (Rowan Hisayo Buchanan) and Foreword (Viet Thanh Nguyen).

AACC Winter Party

Come on by and join us at our annual AACC Winter Party this December 2nd from 6:30 - 8:30 PM to celebrate the holidays with your best pals and hang out with the cheery AACC staff. Beyond the good company and delicious food, be thrilled by the First-Year AACC Gingerbread House-Making Competition, sing a song on the karaoke machine, or play a match in Super Smash Bros! Don’t miss out on this once-a-year occasion!
See Yale Connect registration page for location.

Senior Stories: Kelly and Priya

Join us for our AACC Senior Stories series! We’ll get to know each other in a more intimate setting, cherish the diversity of experiences in our community, and of course, celebrate our seniors.
Kelly’s and Priya’s senior stories will take place on Friday, December 2nd from 5-6 pm both in-person and on Zoom. There’ll be yummy Asian snacks :)

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