Graduate And Professional

AACC Winter Party

Guess what’s back this year?! The annual AACC Winter Party at 295 Crown Street! Come through to the AACC on December 9th from 5:00 - 8:00 PM to celebrate the holidays with your best pals and hang out with the cheery AACC staff. Beyond the good company and delicious food, be thrilled by the First-Year AACC Gingerbread House-Making Competition, sing a song on the Karaoke Machine, or play a match in Super Smash Bros! Don’t miss out on this once-a-year occasion!
**This event is a part of the AACC Leadership Certificate program playlist**

Yale School of Management: Colloquium on Alumni Insights: Career Development and Chinese Economy

With the theme of “Dive into The Chinese economy and Learn about SOMer’s Road to Career Development”, GCC is honored to invite five brilliant alumni of Yale SOM:
Founder & Managing Partner of Dragonrise Capital, Shirley Yeung MBA’93
龙腾资本创始人,杨小雯女士 MBA’93
Managing Director and Head of China for HarbourVest Partners, Sally Shan MBA ‘97
Harborvest 中国区负责人, 单丽红女士 MBA’97
Founder and Managing Partner of Sherpa Healthcare Partners, Dr. Daqing Cai MBA ‘98
夏尔巴投资创始人, 蔡大庆博士 MBA’98

Health Care of Afghan Refugees Part 3: Emergency Care and Women’s Health

Part 3 of 2021 Health Care of Afghan Refugees series
Pooja Agrawal, MD, MPH, FACEP
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine; Director, Global Health Education; Section of Global Health & International Emergency Medicine
Shefali Pathy, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences; Site Director, Women’s Health Sargent Drive; Clerkship Director, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
Michelle Telfer, DNP, MPH, CNM

POC LGBTQ+ Wellness Night

The Office of LGBTQ Resources is hoping to begin hosting wellness nights for POC LGBTQ+ students, especially first-years, at each of the cultural centers, in collaboration with PLs from the other cultural centers. We are hoping to have our first event at the NACC, and we will have tea, crafts, and painting.

How to manage Sovereignty Restriction: Japan’s experience of the 19th century “Unequal Treaty” and postwar Japan-US Security Treaty

Despite prewar modernization and imperialism and postwar economic growth, Japanese diplomacy has long suffered from a sense of victimization. The sentiment derives from “Unequal Treaties” thrust upon Japan in the mid-nineteenth century. Japanese citizens relived the experience with the US-Japan Security Treaty after World War II, as incidents arose between Japanese citizens and American soldiers in Japan. This talk examines little known tactics used by Japanese officials to restore some sovereignty under both the “Unequal Treaties” and the US-Japan Security Alliance.

"Clepsydra and Other Poems" Book Discussion with Translator Adam Mahler

Join the Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies and the Yale Translation Initiative to welcome alumnus Adam Mahler back to Yale for a discussion related to a forthcoming book - a new translation of the 1920 book of poems by Portuguese symbolist poet, Camilo Pessanha, who resided in Macau for the last part of his life (1894-1926). The session will feature a reading of a selection of the original poems in Portuguese with Adam’s new translations.

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