Debates históricos en torno al aborto legal: Chile, Argentina y Mexico / Historical Debates on Legal Abortion: Chile, Argentina, and Mexico

Event time: 
Friday, April 30, 2021 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Please join us for the last event in our special webinar series held on the last Friday of every month. Led by Professor Moira Fradinger, this series is a part of a collaborative effort with CLAIS, Latin American Interdisciplinary Gender Network, and The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to highlight gender studies and gender issues in Latin America.
In December 2020, Argentina legalized abortion after a decades-long struggle. The political debates around abortion are at their height in the region. Join us for a discussion with Elisa Walker from Chile, Martha Rosenberg from Argentina, and Marta Lamas from Mexico about the road to legalization in Argentina and the on-going struggles in Chile and Mexico.
This event will be in Spanish with English translation. Registration link below.

Cultivating Conversation Event: