Global Health Speaker Series | Professor Clarence C. Gravlee

Event time: 
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Online () See map
Calendar Speaker/Performer: 
Clarence C. Gravlee
Event description: 

The Global Health Studies Program will present its Spring 2021 Global Health Studies Speaker Series. The series—organized by Jackson Professor Catherine Panter-Brick and Jackson lecturer Cara Fallon—examines transformative relationships between health and a range of fields including public policy, law, technology, international relations, scientific research, economy, journalism, and more.
Clarence C. Gravlee, Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Florida, will present “Uprooting Racism, Promoting Health: Evidence and Action.”
Gravlee’s research aims to explain and address the health consequences of systemic racism, with a focus on hypertension in the African Diaspora. He takes a critical biocultural approach to racial inequalities in health, re-examining the biological concept of race and its utility in the social science and health discourse.
Gravlee is the former editor (2013–2016) of Medical Anthropology Quarterly, former associate editor (2012–2012) of Field Methods, co-founder (with M. Miaisha Mitchell) of the Health Equity Alliance of Tallahassee (HEAT), and co-editor (with H. Russell Bernard) of the second edition of the Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. His research on racism, stress, and health has informed a wide range of scholarly publications, including work in American Anthropologist, American Journal of Public Health, Annual Review of Anthropology, American Journal of Human Biology, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, Field Methods, and more.
The Zoom webinar will include introductory remarks by Professor Panter-Brick (Professor of Anthropology, Health, and Global Affairs) and Jackson lecturer Cara Fallon, a brief presentation by Professor Gravlee, and audience Q&A.

Free but register in advance

Cultivating Conversation Event: